Compliance and Competency on a work site
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Compliance and Competency on a work site

3 Jun 2021

When faced with complications on a work site, the owners are most likely to reach out to a tried-and-true team over their many other contacts.

The above allegory illustrates the importance of having a track record for personnel competence, especially in volatile industries involving Hazardous Area, where the stakes are much higher. It may come as a surprise to some that competence requirements are merely mentioned in passing in legal documents; rarely are they expounded upon. This probably boils down to the fact that it is immensely tricky to measure competence.

In order to give your clients the assurance they seek, we can’t stress enough the importance of highlighting your business’s personnel competency, and to follow through on your word. Personnel competence means having the requisite knowledge, skills, training and experience to execute niche tasks as opposed to simply scratching the surface when it comes to regulations and installation procedures.

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