When undertaking projects for the Australian market, one has to ensure that all electrical work performed in explosive atmospheres (hazardous areas) complies with the standard and regulations for installing Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas (EEHA). Listed below are the minimum standards that must be adhered to:
• AS/NZS 4761: Competency standards for working with electrical equipment for hazardous areas (EEHA). All personnel involved in the design, selection, installation, inspection, testing, and maintenance shall have competency in explosion protection related to the relevant functional areas.
• AS/NZS 3000: Electrical installations (known as the Australian/New Zealand Wiring Rules). AS/NZS 3000 provides uniform essential elements that constitute the minimum regulatory requirements for a safe electrical installation and also outlines best installation practices that achieve certainty of compliance with the necessary safety requirements
• AS/NZS 60079-10: Explosive atmospheres Classification of areas – Explosive gas atmospheres. Hazardous area classification studies identify where explosive atmospheres are likely to occur, in normal operation or in expected abnormal operation. A report shall detail the classification methodology, decisions made to arrive at the zone, gas group, temperature class is required (HAC Schedule), and drawings showing the zones are recommended (HAC layout).
• AS/NZS 60079-14: Explosive atmospheres Design selection, erection and initial inspection contain the specific requirements for designing, selecting and erection of electrical installations in hazardous areas associated with explosive atmospheres. A competent designer shall make the design and selection of electrical equipment. The electrical equipment selection needs to be suitable for the Zone or EPL, Gas group, and Temperature Class set out in the Hazardous Area classification. The design shall ensure other essential parameters such as IP rating, Ambient conditions, environmental conditions, Cabling, Glanding, Earthing, Material specific etc., and shall comply with the minimum requirement of AS/NZS 3000 Electrical rules.
• AS/NZS 60079-14: Explosive atmospheres Design selection, erection and initial inspection contain the specific requirements for designing, selecting and erection of electrical installations in hazardous areas associated with explosive atmospheres. The electrical equipment installation work in hazardous areas shall be carried out by competent personnel by following project requirements, AS/NZS 3000 electrical rules and installation requirements as per AS/NZS 60079-14.
• AS/NZS 60079-14: Explosive atmospheres Design selection, erection and initial inspection contain the specific requirements for designing, selecting and erection of electrical installations in hazardous areas associated with explosive atmospheres. A competent Inspector shall inspect the quality of the installation by performing an initial inspection as per AS/NZS 60079-14 Initial Inspection checklist.
• AS/NZS 60079-17: Explosive atmospheres Electrical installations inspection and maintenance. The integrity of the Explosion-proof equipment needs to be maintained as per AS/NZS 60079-17, including periodic inspections by competent personnel. This shall follow the inspection frequency, grade of inspection, types of inspection as per the standard.
With a highly skilled and technically capable team, Capeserve provides Hazardous Area Classification, Design & Selection of EEHA, Installation of EEHA, Inspection of EEHA, Maintenance of EEHA, and provide complete EEHA management System.
We work with our clients towards full compliance to AS/NZS 4761, AS/NZS 60079 series, the IEC 60079 series and other Australian Standards. EEHA Installation, Inspection & Maintenance Services – Capeserve