When working in Hazardous environment, it is crucial to ensure the functionality and integrity of all the safety critical components. CAPESERVE is dedicated in providing comprehensive functionality and safety inspection and test services by assessing your Hazardous area service equipment . We ensure these equipment are maintained in accordance with IEC Standards.
Our team of experts assist customers in providing Ignition risk assessment & management services, IECEx Conformity Assessment and Management Study, complete Ex inspection and functional testing on all oil and gas process equipment/systems and all temporary equipment such as Zone 1 / Zone 2 Pressurized Cabins, Zone 2 Diesel Engine Driven Genset, Zone 2 Diesel Engine Driven Air Compressor and other hazardous area equipment etc.
Contact Us at sales@capeserve.com for Electrical Equipment In Hazardous Area – Turnkey Solutions.
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